Lotte Mart & H Mart Business Meeting

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With H Mart of the U.S. and LOTTE Mart, chosen as certified trading companies, KITA co-hosted 'Step up to Export with H Mart & Lotte Mart' which is a business meeting that invites MDs from other countries, at COEX, Seoul, from March 11th to 12th.


  * Certified Trading Companies : an official system to boost export operated by KITA, and designated by MOTIE (Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy) to support export of SMEs, a total of 50 companies are designated as certified trading companies including global businesses such as POSCO International, GS Retail, and LOTTE Mart.


Among the 230 consumer goods companies in Korea that applied such as enterprises in ▲F&B ▲daily necessities ▲cosmetics ▲kitchenware and ▲stationery, 61 companies or 25% of applicants passed through the document review process and had one-on-one meetings with U.S. H Mart and Vietnam LOTTE Mart MDs.