Legal Seminar on Strategic Goods Export Control

2024-07-18 전략물자 수출통제 관련 법률 세미나-2.jpg 2024-07-18 전략물자 수출통제 관련 법률 세미나-3.jpg 2024-07-18 전략물자 수출통제 관련 법률 세미나-1.jpg

KITA(Chairman Jin Sik Yoon) held the 'Legal Seminar on Strategic Goods Export Control' jointly with the Ministry of Justice and the Korean Security Agency of Trade and Industry(KOSTI) on July 18th at Trade Tower in Seoul. 


This event aimed to enhance the understanding of export management for strategic goods among Korean companies and to provide a response guide in light of the recent tightening of export controls towards conlifct-affected countries by various nations due to escalating geopolitical tensions such as the Russia-Ukraine war and the U.S.-China trade dispute.

During the seminar, expert presentations took place on ▲ introduction to the legal support system for overseas businesses by the Ministry of Justice, ▲ current status of export controls over strategic goods and semiconductors with conditional approvals, ▲ domestic export control regulations and key issues, and ▲ export control systems that companies expanding into the U.S. need to be aware of.